Tuesday, August 14, 2012

BoutofBooks Limerick Challenge

Here is my bookish limerick! I Don't Cook Much

Readin Twitter, kindle, internet, & books,
I read everywhere no matter who gives me looks.
Immersing in a different world is like mind candy to me,
After a long day at work I don't feel like watching TV.
I guess that's why my husband has learned to be the cook.

Note to my supporting husband: I'm sorry I don't cook more ;)


  1. What a good husband! Thanks for joining in today.

  2. I love it! My hubby cooks quite a bit also! And normally while I'm reading ;) Gotta love that.

    By the way, I don't know how blogspot works but I just hit enter at the end of each line. But it still was really easy to read.

    1. Thanks! I just figured it out. I had to do the html code
